I have Many Wares For Sale…
You seem to have your wits about you, hmm? Then you are a welcome customer! You bring the gold, Ill supply the Games. You bring the adventure, ill supply the wonder!
General Supplies
Potion of Greater Healing
Potion, common
Price: 100gp
You regain 4d4+4 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated.
Entertainers Pack
Pack, common
Price: 40gp
Includes: a Backpack, a Bedroll, 2 costumes, 5 candles, 5 days of Rations, a Waterskin, a Disguise kit.
Instrument (Ocarina)
Instrument, common
Price: 10gpAn egg-shaped flute-like woodwind instrument with a mouthpiece and finger holes.
Misc Crystals
Gem, common
Price: 5gp
each crystal is about 1 inch in length and glimmers in any light with a beautiful shine.
Misc. Gaming Sets
Games, common
Dice set, 1gp
Playing Card set, 5gp
Chess set, 15gp
Checkers set, 10gp
CandyLand Set, 15gp
Bunions and Flagons starter Set, 20gp
Bunions and Flagons Core Rulebook, 50gp
Wondrous Items
Bag Of Holding
Wondrous item, uncommon
Price: 2,000gp
This bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, roughly 2 feet in diameter at the mouth and 4 feet deep. The bag can hold up to 500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet. The bag weighs 15 pounds, regardless of its contents. Retrieving an item from the bag requires an action. (further stats for the bag of holding can be found in DMG Pg 153)
I have 1 for sale every 30 days.
Dungeons & Dragons
Hungry Hungry Dragoons
Wondrous item, uncommon
Price: TBD
This large wooden chest contains 20 crystal balls and four dragon effigys. The dragons are sentient creatures that move independently of each other. When the chest is opened the dragons will attempt to eat all of the crystal balls as fast as possible. The dragon who is able to eat the most crystals will glow a bright yellow. The marbles and dragons all reset every time the box is closed and reopened.
Hungry Hungry Hippos
Bag of Scrabble
Wondrous item, uncommon
Price: Quest(TGM-01)
As a bonus action a player may pull out seven letter tiles from the bag. These letter tiles are to be determined by the DM. As an action the player may place the tiles on the ground to create a single word. If the word is a Noun, Verb, or adjective the following event happens.
Noun: for 1 minute a random object appears before the player resembling that Noun.
Verb: for 1 minute the behavior of a random person within 300 ft is influenced by that verb.
Adjective: for 1 minute an attribute of a random person place or thing changes to match that adjective.
Monopoly Tiamat Edition
Wondrous item, uncommon, cursed
Price: Quest (TGM-02)
This game set looks like a normal version of Monopoly in a normal cardboard box. The item however is cursed. Once the box is opened the nearest 4 sentient creatures are compelled to play one full game of monopoly following all rules for Monopoly as written (1d4+3 hours). The players can do other light activities while playing the game but players can not focus, enter initiative, or take any actions while playing the game.
Scroll of Catan
Wondrous item, uncommon
Price: 3,000gp
As an action you may roll this scroll out onto a flat surface to view its contents. The scroll displays a beautiful map of the legendary land of Catan (not to scale). When the scroll is opened wooden game pieces, and a set of dice appear. the players can use these pieces to play a four player game of Catan; with the following exceptions.
Whenever a player would "Collect a Resource" The player will instead be magically given that item to hold.
Whenever a Player would "Draw a development card" an NPC or a building Will appear behind the player to represent that card.
Whenever a player would "Move the Robber", an NPC "thug" will appear and do anything to steal one resource from any player selected by the one who summoned him.
One hour after the game is started or when the scroll is rolled back up all game pieces, items, NPC's, and buildings disappear.
The Lark Lamp
Wondrous item, uncommon
Price: Quest (TGM-03)
As a bonus action a player may use the lark lamp to alter the shape of any shadow the player can see, provided the shadow is within 100 feet of the player. The Lark Lamp can also be placed on the ground to create the shape of any board game surface within a 5 foot radius around it out of light and shadows (board game pieces are not included).
Lark Lamp
Sensies Devining Top
Wondrous item, uncommon
Price: Quest (TBD)
You can as an action use the top to cast Augury by spinning it. The Top has 3 charges. Each use of the top expends 1 charge. The Top regains all expended charges daily at dawn. As a bonus action you can tap the divining top causing it to instantly disappear and reappear inside your backpack. if your character owns a library it instead reappears on top of your library.
Magic: The Gathering
Rockum Sockum Golems
Wondrous item, uncommon
Price: Quest (TBD)
This large wooden chest contains 2 small golem automatons standing in a small circle. As a bonus action you can speak the command word “go!” and the two golems will attempt to punch the other in the head while defending their own. when a golem is able to punch his opponent in the head that said head will fall off the golem will stop functioning. the winner will proceed to dance around the ring until the box is closed.
the golems will reset to their starting position every time the box is closed and reopened.
Rock’um Sock’um Robots
The Cluedo Eye
Wondrous item, uncommon
Price: Quest (TGM-01)
A player may use this magnifying glass to examine an object and reach into using divination magic, allowing them to view glimpses of events that the object was directly involved in. The object being viewed can’t weigh no more than 25 lbs, and can only be examined once every long rest. When examined the player can learn one of the following things about the object.
The identity of the last person to hold or use the object.
The object's intended purpose and use.
The time of the object's last use.
What the object was last used for.
Love Letter
Wondrous item, Uncommon
Price: Quest (TBD)
This pink letter is sealed by a rose red wax stamp. If a creature would read from the letter they become enchanted. The next creature they would see within 10 minutes after reading this letter they become Charmed by for 12 hours. If the creature is of a species and gender they are normally attracted to, they regard it as their true love while they are Charmed.
Love Letter
Tymora's Chip
Wondrous item, uncommon
Price: Quest (TGM-01)
This small red poker chip bares the image of a four leaf clover on it. This chip has 1 charge counter. As long as this chip has a charge counter any sentient creature in possessions of it gains an additional +2 to their passive perception.
As a free action a player may spend a charge to get advantage on any attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. Tymora's Chip regains all charges at dawn.
Wheel Of Life
Wondrous item, uncommon, requires attunement.
Price: Quest (TBD)
This Spinner has five charges. As an action you may spend one charge to activate the Wheel of Life. Increase the age of target creature you see by 1d10 years. The Wheel Of Life regains all charges at the end of a long rest.
The Game of Life
Wizard Chess
Wondrous item, Uncommon
A chess board made of white and black marble. When the action word "Initium" is spoken chess pieces will appear on the board. Each chess piece is represented by a marble humanoid figure dressed and armed to represent its rank. A player can either verbally command or physically move a chess piece on the board during their turn. when a piece would over take another in game, that piece will draw its weapon and destroy the defending piece as violently as possible.
If a chess piece is moved incorrectly, to an inappropriate position, or removed from the chess board, it will do everything within its power to return to its previous position. It will move and attack anything that blocks its path or attempts to prevent it from returning to its previous position.
All pieces disappear after 2 hours or when the game ends.
Community Chest
Wondrous item, uncommon
Price: Quest: (TGM-02)
This magic chest has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions. The community chest can be magically linked with up to 6 Bags of holding at a single time. as long as a bag of holding is linked to the community chest it shares its inventory space with the community chest. In addition any bag of holding linked to the community chest can retrieve items contained within all other linked bags of holding.